Settle debates, make friends, and refine your palette.

In a blind taste test, we remove packaging and price tags to taste a food or drink product on their own, without bias. Find out just how influenced you are by price, branding, and marketing, and be pleasantly surprised with your discoveries.

Feed My Friends Blind Taste Test Events

We bring together a group of strangers and blind taste test one food or drink for a unique and awesome culinary experience.

The goal is to discover something new and talk with open-minded strangers in a relaxed and inviting environment.

Evening shot of a rose blind taste test event in Cape Town
Rosé Wine Tasting – 2021

Photo by Nicole
Emma talking at a blind taste test event.
Second Degree Dinner – 2020

Photo by Feed My Friends
Chris and Adrian chatting about taste tests
Vertical Wine Tasting – 2020

Photo by Koy Collins
Bottle of wine covered up for a blind taste test
Rosé Wine Tasting – 2021

Photo by Nicole

Upcoming Blind Taste Test Events (Vancouver, BC)

Pinot Noirs From Around the World

September, 2023. Kitsilano. Time, Price, and Date TBD.

Pinot Noir is one of my favourite varietals. But they can vary incredibly depending on where they’re grown. In this taste test we’ll blind taste five different Pinot Noirs from around the world.

What’s included: Wine (~500ml per person), appetizers, still and sparkling water.

What to bring: Nothing, just yourself.